April 1, 2024

HAIX Airpower XR26 Work Boots

I tracked down Aidan Gray on a job site in February 2024 to get his views on the new Airpower XR26 work boots from HAIX. HAIX North America Inc. is a seven-year TCIA corporate member company based in Lexington, Kentucky.

Good footing is necessary on crane jobs.

Good footing is necessary on crane jobs. All TCIA staff photos.
Aidan Gray, Mayer Tree Service Inc.
Aidan Gray, Mayer Tree Service Inc.

Gray is a senior at Essex North Shore Agricultural & Technical School in Danvers, Massachusetts. He has been interning with Mayer Tree Service Inc., a 32-year TCIA member company based in Essex, Mass., for about a year. Gray, donning his HAIX Airpowers, was working a crane site when we talked.

“I really like working with Mayer Tree,” says Gray. “I’ve been bouncing around crews, but lately I’ve been working with the crane crew, and it’s been an awesome experience. And when TCI Magazine invited me to do a wear test of the HAIX Airpower XR26 boots, I thought that would be pretty fun!

“My first thought when I took them out of the box was that they look awesome. They’re definitely better for climbing and work on the ground than what I am currently wearing. My old boots are slippery because of the worn soles. Looking at the HAIX, you could tell they have good traction on the soles. And after working in them for a bit, they have really good grip while I’m climbing in the tree.”

Stepping up the ankle support.
Stepping up the ankle support.

Good for foot locking

“When I first put them on, I was expecting them to be kind of tight, which is what I’ve heard some people say about HAIX. But these fit my feet perfectly. They feel awesome.

“The boots I’ve been wearing aren’t that great for climbing. The heel is too boxy, and the rope just slides off when I am foot locking,” explains Gray. “These Airpowers have a much shorter heel that grabs the rope on each wrap. I can feel the rope under my foot much better in these. I think the grippiness of the soles helps keep the rope in place, as well as preventing slips on the snow and ice on the ground.

“I was worried they would be too hot,” says Gray. “The Airpowers are waterproof, which is great. But I was thinking they wouldn’t be able to vent very well. The uppers are actually Gortex and do a really good job of venting sweat. I’m pretty relieved to find they are actually very comfortable.

HAIX on the left, others on the right.
HAIX on the left, others on the right.

“I also like that composite toe on them. It’s really protective and lightweight. I’m fairly surprised at how light the toe cap is. And sturdy. I don’t feel like I have to protect my toes as much when moving larger branches around. They feel amazing,” says Gray.

These boots keep your feet warm.
These boots keep your feet warm.

Stiff start

“One thing that could be improved is if they weren’t so stiff when you first get them,” Gray offers. “I like the support, but they are pretty stiff when they are new.”

Gray suggests that a more flexible sole might shorten the break-in period.

“Otherwise, once you start moving around in them, they mold to your feet and are pretty nice. Once I break them in and get used to them some more, I think these could be my everyday boots.”
Tchukki Andersen, BCMA, CTSP, is staff arborist for the Tree Care Industry Association.

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This review/debut reflects the thoughts and opinions of the reviewer as a user and does not constitute or imply an endorsement of the product referenced, nor is it an endorsement of any specific company, product or service. Every entity or individual should review and test all products for applicability, safety and efficacy in their particular operation.

TCI Magazine product reviews are available to TCIA corporate members as a benefit of their membership. Certain limitations apply. Contact erodewald@tcia.org for more information.

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